“There were occasional encounters with girls and a lack of control”


Two weeks after the death of Diego Maradona, the question of your children is a key issue to see how the succession evolves. In addition to Dalma, Gianinna, Diego jr, Dieguito Fernando Yes Jana, there are two Argentines who are struggling to discover their identity.

In addition to Magali Yes SantiagoThere were still strong rumors that the Ten would have children in Cuba. In an interview with Juan Etchegoyen and Miter Live, Omar Suarez He spoke about the time when the former footballer lived in this country.

“There was a lack of control at this point from Diego to Cuba. I firmly believe and can assure you 100% that there are no children in Cuba. For a practical matter. We would have it. discovered. And even more during our time, Fidel Castro. Everything was controlled. Everything was known “, expressed the businessman.

In addition, he continued: “You saw that all apples are people who make sure that nobody has more than they need. Imagine if at that point there was a pregnancy or something like that, we would ‘would have known. Diego had two girlfriends in Cuba and he saw them until the last moment and when we left, neither of us was pregnant or had children “.

“There were chance encounters with other girls and there was a lack of control. I think there are no children. They can show up and make mistakes but if I have to risk today ‘ hui, I must tell you that there are no children in Cuba. “he added.


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