There will be changes in urban transport routes


The Municipality of Comodoro Rivadavia, through the Directorate General of Transport, has informed the users of the public pbadenger transport service that between 9 pm on Sunday, May 19, 2019, until 5 pm. On Monday, May 20, painting will be done on the pedestrian paths of San Martín Avenue, between Spain and Máximo Abásolo streets.

Because of the tasks on the road, the following route will be available:

LINES 1 TO 12 OF THE SOUTH ZONE: Güemes and Rivadavia STOPPING (La Anónima) – Yrigoyen, Moreno-Yrigoyen-Pellegrini. Ida: Rivadavia, Belgrano, Ameghino, May 25, Ducós, April 2, Yrigoyen, Abásolo and Rivadavia. Tour: Rivadavia, Güemes, Yrigoyen, Alsina, your itinerary.

LINE 2: Stops of Güemes and Rivadavia (La Anónima), Yrigoyen, Moreno-Pellegrini. Ida: Dorrego, Miter, Ameghino, May 25, Yrigoyen, Ducós, April 2, Yrigoyen, Abásolo and Rivadavia. Tour: Rivadavia, Güemes, Yrigoyen, Miter, Rawson, your itinerary

LINE 4A: PARADAS Rear of Las Torres, Abásolo and San artín – Güemes, Yrigoyen and Moreno. Ida: Yrigoyen, Ducós, April 2, Yrigoyen, Abásolo, their itinerary. Tour: Güemes and San Martín, Yrigoyen, your itinerary

LINES 3-4-5: PARADAS Güemes and Rivadavia (Anónima) -Yrigoyen, Moreno-Yrigoyen and Pellegrini, Rawson and Belgrano. Ida: Rivadavia, Belgrano, Ameghino, May 25, Ducos, April 2, Yrigoyen, Abásolo and Rivadavia. Tour: Rivadavia, Güemes, Yrigoyen, Miter, Rawson, his route NORTHERN ZONE ALL FUTURE RAMALES Güemes and San Martín, Yrigoyen and Moreno, Yrigoyen and Pellegrini Ida: Puerto, M.Abásolo, San Martín, his route, Port. CR RIVADAVIA


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