There will be shelling against the FARC dissidents: commander of the FF.MM.


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General Luis Fernando Navarro warned that "we have permission to use all our capabilities under international humanitarian law".

The commander of the armed forces, General Luis Fernando Navarro, announced that attacks on the bomb of the FARC dissent would be integrated since last Thursday by Iván Márquez, Jesús Santrich, El Paisa and Romaña, among other former leaders of the guerrillas demobilized.

"These bandits are part of the armed residual armed group -Gao residual- and we have permission to use all our capabilities under international humanitarian law, IHL. (…) There will be bombings, all will be available the capabilities we have to defend the Colombians, "said Friday to the press the high command of the military leadership.

Navarro also explained what would be his plan to deal with the defectors of the extinct subversive group, which appeared last Thursday in a video and with the spokesman Márquez announced his rearmament.

"The president has given the order to create a group specialized in the intelligence and the judiciarization, which will pursue the main heads and will benefit from a coverage and a mobility at the national level. He will be responsible for the production of intelligence and the placing of orders for the troops they can execute, "he said.

He also recalled that a $ 3 billion reward had been announced "for every bandit and that resources are already appropriate".

Faced with the continuous transit of these dissidents to and from the Venezuelan territory, the general warned that "the bandits who went to Venezuela and entered the Colombian territory felt the rigor of the Colombian justice and the capacities of the armed forces and Police: An example of this is the bandit aka Rodrigo Cadete, who was in Venezuela and who was instructed and who was neutralized here. "

The commander of the Colombian armed forces added that, to find Marquez and his company, they would combine "the intelligence, the human capacity, supported by the high technology, which would multiply the capacities which we have: it is a special accelerator against the fight Peoples". Gao residual and in particular way to locate the leaders. "

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