There would be a strong confrontation at the head of the Taliban


Rumors have multiplied to such an extent that supposedly Baradar himself recorded an audio and released a written statement denying being murdered. The letter in the Pashtun language has a Baradar Office Seal, which had served as main negotiator during talks between the Taliban and the United States.

These negotiations allowed the United States to withdraw its military forces from Afghanistan, which was completed at the end of August, two weeks after the capture of the capital, Kabul by the Taliban.

At Another sign that the radicals had won, the white Taliban flag was hoisted in the presidential palace replacing the Afghan national flag, representative of the democratic republic created after 2001.

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An armed Taliban patrol controls the streets of Kabul.  They carry the white flag, which identifies the extremist group and which they have imposed as the national ensign of Afghanistan

An armed Taliban patrol controls the streets of Kabul. They carry the white flag, which identifies the extremist group and which they have imposed as the national ensign of Afghanistan

A representative of the Taliban said that the high command has not yet made a final decision on the flag, and lots of support they wave next to each other. The representative requested anonymity because he was not authorized to make statements to the press about the internal deliberations.

The two Afghans familiar with the power dispute they also requested anonymity to protect privacy from those who shared their dissatisfaction with the composition of the cabinet.

They said that A cabinet minister considered the possibility of rejecting the position because the exclusively Taliban government excluded the country’s ethnic and religious minorities.

The Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, denied that there are any differences in the dome organisation. Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Mutaqi on Tuesday called the allegations “propaganda”.

Despite the denials, The absence of Baradar is striking while respecting its main functions. He was not at the presidential palace earlier in the week to receive the Deputy Prime Minister of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammad bin Abdur Rahman Al-Thani, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs.

It was the highest level visit since the Taliban came to power, and Baradar’s absence surprised as Qatar hosted him for years as head of Taliban political bureau in Doha, the Qatari capital.

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    Haibatullah Akhunzada, el

Haibatullah Akhunzada, the “emir” or supreme leader of the Taliban. It stays away from the government in Kabul and its location is an enigma.

Several officials and Afghans who know and have contact with Baradar told The Associated Press who was in the capital of the southwestern province of Kandahar for a meeting with the top Taliban leader, Emir Haibatullah Akhunzada. The latter’s role in the Taliban government is a guess. He is supposed to command behind the personalities who hold the highest positions, like Baradar. Akhunzada inherited the supreme post of “emir” upon the death of the historic leader of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, in 2015. He was the de facto head of the harsh Taliban government of 1996/2001, which horrified the world with his crimes and repressive acts. Another Taliban figure said Baradar was visiting his family, he hadn’t seen in 20 years of war.

Analysts say the friction does not pose a serious threat to the Taliban at this time. “We have seen over the years that, despite the disputes, the Taliban remain largely a cohesive organization, And that big decisions don’t suffer much from post-hoc resistance, ” said Michael Kugelman, deputy director of the Asia program at the Washington-based Wilson Center.

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