Theresa May criticized Donald Trump for his "completely unacceptable" language


The US President Donald TrumpHe used "totally unacceptable" language to describe four Democratic lawmakers, Prime Minister Theresa May's spokesman in London told reporters on Monday, which could exacerbate tensions with Washington.

Trump released a series of tweets on Sunday suggesting that four US lawmakers, led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, they should return to "broken places and infested by the crime from which they come".

May think that "the language used to talk about these women is completely unacceptable," spokesman James Slack told reporters on Monday. May's office published its criticisms of Trump during his last days as UK Prime Minister after having a tense relationship with the US president, who last week criticized his handling of the brexit.

The transatlantic alliance is already under pressure after a controversy over the leaked words of the British ambbadador to the United States, Kim Darroch, criticized by the Trump government. The president isolated Darroch from meetings in Washington, and the envoy resigned last week.

May's remarks are likely to put pressure on the two rivals who will succeed him, Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson, to join them in denouncing the president's language when they participate in a live debate. Tuesday evening. Johnson was widely criticized for his alleged lack of support for Darroch, although the leader in the race for conservative leaders denied that he did not support him and said the incident had become politicized.


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