Theresa May has requested an extension of the "Brexit" until June 30 and the European Union is considering a "flexible" extension of one year


British Prime Minister Theresa May officially asked the European Union (EU) on Friday for a new extension of the "Brexit" until June 30, thus avoiding a radical "divorce" without agreeing Community Club on April 12th.

Currently, the United Kingdom until next week to present to the 27 an alternative project to the "Brexit" pact (exit from the UK from the EU) negotiated between London and Brussels for nearly two years in order to benefit from a further extension.

European countries have made it clear that any further extension would force the British to participate in the European Parliament elections from 23 to 26 May. appoints new MEPs Nearly three years after the referendum which, in 2016, the Brexit had decided by 52% of the votes.

Despite this, May, who is currently negotiating with the Labor opposition leader, Jeremy Corbyn, in search of a consensus to get the country out of the blockade, proposed that the new extension be "completed on June 30 2019. "

This request, however, must be approved unanimously by all members of the EU at its summit on April 10.

Although conservatives and workers described the dialogue as productive, they did not advance enough to seal a new plan for the summit, which led May to demand the extension.

In her letter, the leader "Tory" (conservative) made it clear that she hoped that the UK could leave the European bloc before the elections to the European Parliament in May.

"It is frustrating that we have not yet completed this process and under the best conditions, the UK Government remains firmly committed to doing so and will continue to act as the responsible Member State. of the European Union, "he added.

According to him, the United Kingdom would be ready to nominate candidates for these European elections if the country does not have a treaty to overcome the process in the House of Commons.

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said he believed that the best way to unblock the Brexit crisis was to delay it by 12 months, with a reasonable delay. "flexible" extension until the end of March 2020, allowing the UK to leave before "it's ready".

"It will be flexible in the sense that, by the time the UK is ready to leave, he will be able to leave, so if he is ready on June 30, he will be able to leave on June 30." is ready on May 22, it will leave May 22, "summed up a senior European official at the latest proposal of Tusk, which in the community jargon begins to call" flextension ".


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