Theresa May insists that Brexit will only be possible if there is an agreement with the opposition


British Prime Minister Theresa May insists that the only way to avoid frustrating the Brexit, as it is known at the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), it is continue to negotiate with the opposition.

"There are different areas in which the two main parties are in agreement, we both want to end the free movement (of EU citizens), we both want to leave (l & # 39; EU) with a good deal and we both want to protect the jobs, "May said in a statement issued by Downing Street, her official office. "These are the bases for reaching a compromise with which we can obtain a majority in Parliament, the only way to achieve the Brexit," he said.

After a May Conservative Party sector rejected three times in the House of Commons (MPs) agreement to leave the community bloc, the premier said she "n & # 39; 39; had "no other choice" than to try to win the support of the Labor party of the opposition, that Jeremy Corbyn leads.

"The sooner we reach this goal, the more the UK may never leave the European Union," said the Spanish news agency. Efe.

The government and Labor began negotiating a joint plan last Wednesday, although this dialogue was apparently stalled on Saturday. The Corbyn formation ensures that May do not accept the changes suggested by the Labor Party, despite the fact that the government insists that the dialogue "without red lines" has been resumed and with the intention of introducing modifications to the agreement.

According to the London newspaper The Sunday Times, the government is ready to comply with the demands of the Labor Party and to develop a closer trade relationship with the European Union than previously planned. He is also studying the drafting of legislation that would prevent a new prime minister from reversing this decision and opting for a more difficult Brexit, according to the media. Negotiations with the Labor opposition intensified May's criticism from her own formation.


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