Theresa May is preparing to resign on Friday, May 24, according to "The Times"


The UK Prime Minister Theresa May, is preparing to announce his resignation on Friday, the British newspaper announced on Thursday The weather. The Prime Minister is expected to announce his resignation after meeting with Graham Brady, Chairman of the 1922 Committee, the governing body of the Conservative Party in Parliament on Friday.

According to the newspaper, the leader of the Conservative Party's parliamentary party in the House of Commons, Andrea Leadsom, resigned on Wednesday because she does not believe May's government will abide by Brexit. With Leadsom, there are already 36 charges that the May government has abdicated under the Brexit. However, this resignation comes at a critical moment for the Prime Minister, who could live his last days in power, and for the divorce between London and Brussels.

Mai has been on a tightrope since the Brexit deal negotiated by the parties was destroyed for the first time in Westminster on Jan. 15. During these months, he added two other parliamentary defeats that triggered a serious political crisis. The Prime Minister He promised to resign once the agreement on Brexit approved parliamentarians, and after the entry into the European Union, a final adjournment that gave the British until October 31 to prepare for divorce, with or without pact.

The last and desperate bet of May does not offer hope for brexit

In a speech delivered Tuesday, the struggling Prime Minister promised members of Parliament to vote on the opportunity to hold another referendum to ratify Britain's divorce from the European Union. This is something that many parliamentarians, including members of the opposition Labor Party, were demanding, but the condition was that they approve of their agreement. A few minutes after his speech, the reaction began.

Brexit-minded Conservative MPs joined opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and May's Irish allies to condemn their proposals. They vowed to vote against him in the House of Commons next month. The failure of the May agreement would plunge the UK into a new wave of confusion and uncertainty. The result of Brexit would be almost impossible to predict, as May's successor, as Conservative leader and prime minister, will have the task of completing the process..

Leave the EU without agreement, or even stay in the block, could be options again once may be gone. Boris Johnson, who said he'd be ready to leave without agreement, is the favorite in the race for unofficial leadership. Johnson rushed against May's latest shot, as did his rival, Dominic Raab.

The May bid may represent the last effort of a prime minister short of options. Nearly three years after the UK vote in favor of the exit of the EUThe May agreement was rejected three times by Parliament. His party is preparing for a defeat in Thursday's European elections, a vote to which the UK should not participate and was forced to do so by the late Brexit


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