Theresa May proposed a "new agreement" on Brexit and asked to hold a second referendum


Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday proposed to British MPs fourth vote on the agreement of Brexit, including this time the opportunity to decide on the celebration of a second referendum and a customs union with the EU.

"There is one last chance (to end the blockade of Brexit)," said May, who included in this "new deal" the demands of the Labor opposition party, which broke off negotiations on Friday.

The head of government explained in a speech package of measures with which he hopes to win the support of some opposition MPs in the House of Commons to ratify the "Brexit" agreement, which has already been rejected three times.

Theresa MAy, at an event in London. Photo: AFP.
Theresa MAy, at an event in London. Photo: AFP.

The "new agreement" presented by May includes a customs union "temporary""with the EU, until the next general elections in the UK, as well as guarantees for maintain labor rights and environmental standards.

"Whatever the result of any vote (indicative), I will not ask members to rethink, I will ask them to consider a new and better agreement with an open mind and to support them", May writes in the newspaper Sunday Times

May seeks maximum support from all political forces. Because if the text were again rejected, we would consider that the United Kingdom automatically leaves the EU on 31st October without agreement, a situation that could cause a serious economic crisis according to the Bank of England.


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