Theresa May urgent travel to Europe to avoid a chaotic Brexit – 04/08/2019


A day before the European summit that will decide the fate of Britain and the Brexit, the Prime Minister Theresa May will travel to Berlin and France on Tuesday an emergency meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Macron.

Without parliamentary agreement and with the customs union under discussion in the context of controversial negotiations with the Labor Party, May will make of this "pas de deux" Franco-German the rescue of the kingdom of No Brexit, which is sponsored by Emmanuel Macron.

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, organized this meeting. It was after Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Ireland and the border with Northern Ireland last Friday. She has come back worried and convinced that Ireland will be hit by a tumultuous No Brexit and she does not want to humiliate the British.

Anti-Brexit protesters demonstrate in front of Parliament in London. / AFP

Anti-Brexit protesters demonstrate in front of Parliament in London. / AFP

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Ireland prefers a long extension, which does not coincide with French President Emmanuel Macron. The head of the French state fears that if the British remain in Europe, they will veto the European budget and block the reforms what he wants to do in the EU. This is the promise of the furious Brexiteers, led by aristocrat Jacob Rees Mog, who has ensured that the role of Britain – they were forcibly participating in the European elections because of the extension – It will be "disturbing" from the inside.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has suggested that "no European country will use the veto to prevent a long extension of Article 50", which establishes a divorce between Great Britain and France. the kingdom.

But if they do not want to veto it, that does not mean that they approve the timetable proposed by Theresa May to extend the European exit of Britain. until June 30 or earlierif she finds the parliamentary agreement.

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With the exception of France, Belgium and Spain, European countries do not want a messy Brexit, which have strong repercussions on the continent. They will ignore May 's request and will likely accept Donald Tusk' s proposal to extend the Brexit for a "flexible extension" of one year, which would allow them to end parliamentary negotiations, "said the president. probably have another Prime Minister and change the political statement that accompanies the agreement. and he is establishing future relations with the EU and even calling for a referendum. But they also do not exclude that, in the midst of the chaos that made the British and the Europeans laugh, Britain decides to revoke Article 50 and stay without Brexit. An order that 6 million people made on the parliamentary site of the House of Commons.

Theresa May will speak by phone Monday with several European leaders. She will promise that the deal could have an "anti-Boris Johnson lock", probably the next Prime Minister Brexiteer, who would prevent her from disarming what she agreed with the Labor Party.

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Nothing is easy right now in Britain. Prime Minister Theresa May could interrupt the trip to Berlin and Paris if Yvette Cooper and Sir Oliver Letwin's bill, which requires you to consult Parliament on a date change in the Brexit extension to prevent a No Agreement, it is converted at full speed Monday night into law. This would require the Prime Minister to consult the House of Commons about this extension, which she asked for and was not discussed. A procedure that would be made Tuesday.

In a homemade video made from her cottage at Checkers and uploaded to the networks Saturday night, May reminded the British that the option was "an agreement or a non-Brexit" and that she had the feeling that his project "was not going to go through Parliament." This is the reason he started negotiations with the Labor opposition.

May still can not find consensus, with a conservative party rebelling, a DUP from Northern Ireland who refuses to support it and a cabinet that threatens to resign if it advances with the customs union with the Labour Party. For them, this violates the party manifesto and what was voted in the 2016 referendum, which decided the departure of Europe.

Labor said on Friday that Theresa May refuses to abandon the "red lines" of her Brexit: not the customs union, nor the single market, nor the free movement of people. But the new contacts of the weekend would have accepted to accept a customs union, which would not be called as such, so as not to be attacked by the electorate as a "betrayal" of the referendum.

In the middle of this institutional drama, another began. Many Brexiteers have begun to "try the lawsuit" to replace Premier Theresa May on Downing St. Many of her tactics are related to these ambitions.



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