Theresa May wants more time facing the growing fear of a brexit rejection


Four weeks after Parliament rejected its agreement on the largest margin of modern parliamentary history, May on Monday met with members of the House of all political parties to continue seeking an agreement likely to win the support of A majority in the House. Communal room

May, who tries to renegotiate the solution Ireland, which ensures that the Irish border remains open after the brexit, will inform the Parliament of the state of play of the negotiations with the EU and will present a motion to be presented to the European Union. Thursday, announced his office.

After saving time two weeks ago, when has the mandate to reopen the talks with the European bloc, the President should ask the Parliament to reaffirm its request to withdraw the "backstop" or Irish safeguard of the withdrawal agreement and promise a new vote if it does not bring a renegotiated agreement to Parliament by February 27.

"To the abyss". With just over six weeks for the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union March 29The measure is intended to rebadure MPs who are worried that May deliberately delays the clock and risks divorce without a potentially disastrous deal.

For the month of May, his trip to Argentina marked "a turning point in relations between the two countries"

Jack Dromey, the Labor MP whose amendment with conservative Caroline Spelman for block a brexit without agreement was approved by the House of Commons on January 29 and announced that he would wait for the May intervention on Tuesday before deciding If to propose another amendment.

"We can not follow the path of lack of agreement, we can not allow continue to drift to the precipicebecause if the country falls into the abyss, the consequences will be catastrophic, "said Dromey. The question is whether (May) received the message ".

Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay traveled to Brussels to meet the lead negotiator Michel Barnier, from the EU, Monday night to find a solution to the stalemate. The European Commission has stated that both men They spoke of the "urgent" need to find a solution this satisfies the other 27 EU Member States and that it can win a "strong" majority in Parliament.

"For our part, it is clear that We will not reopen the withdrawal agreementBut we will continue our debate in the coming days, "Barnier told the media at the end of the meeting.The EU negotiator said earlier that the clarification of the next steps should come from London .


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