Theresa May will resign if Parliament approves Brexit agreement


British Prime Minister Theresa May announced Wednesday to her parliamentary group that she would resign before the start of the second phase of negotiations with the European Union (EU). support your exit agreement.

The conservative leader promised "that she would not stay in her post for the next phase of negotiations", ie the one on future relations with the European Union, revealed to the media MP James Cartlidge at the end of the "Tories" meeting. "in a parliament room.

"I listened very clearly to the state of mind of the parliamentary party. I know that they want a new approach and new leadershipduring the second phase of the negotiations on Brexit, and I will not stay in this position, "said the Prime Minister, according to the newspaper The Guardian.

"I am ready to leave this job sooner than I would have liked to do for our country and our party," he insisted, calling on the Conservatives to "support the agreement so that we can carry out our historic duty: to respect the decision of the British people and leave the European Union in an orderly and smooth manner ".

This Wednesday, British MPs are meeting to find alternatives to Theresa May's agreement, which they have already rejected twice, for Brexit.

The "Brexit" has been delayed until May 22 if members approve the agreement negotiated in May.

If this text is not approved, the UK has a deadline until April 12 to provide the community club with an alternative planotherwise the "divorce" will materialize on this date.

According to the Bank of England, an exit without agreement, the most feared scenario, could leave the country in a difficult situation. serious economic crisis, with an increase in unemployment and inflation, the collapse of the pound and the price of housing and a reduction of nearly 10% of GDP.


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