These 7 foods make us age faster – 08/04/2019


It is known. We can not stop the time. Nobody can. Always ahead. C & # 39; is to say, Everyone except Benjamin Button is getting older. It's irreversible and universal. And natural. But even if it looks linear, that is not it. As an elastic, the time can be lengthened or shortened. And for that, we have only one tool (for now?): The way of life.

It is also well known that it is a choice. Of course, the option that serves us, the one that counts, the one that extends over time, is the least simple. Because It requires sacrifice and willingness. The longest way. Is there no shortcut in these cases? But there. Within the reach of all, or at least the vast majority.

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It's a decision. Taking care of food, avoiding cigarettes, alcohol and drugs and exercising regularly is the way to go if we want to be healthy and live longer and better.r; choose the other door, which avoids the sacrifice, is a shortcut to stop the time permanently, lying underground.

But food is the basis of everything. If we could at least be more aware in our diet, we would already win more than half a war. Because it's not the same as a meal like any other, although it serves to feed them.

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How to start does not matter. There are those who believe in shock (overnight, giving up less healthy meals); while others prefer gradualism (little by little). Anyway, the important thing is to start.

In this plan, let's see a list of 7 foods that the newspaper El País in Spain has written what is known for accelerate aging and their healthy substitutes. These are small variations that can cause big changes. Because the important thing is to start, no matter how. animate.

1. Rice Biscuits

Rice cookie

Rice cookie

It has increased as a health snack. Its popularity is such that it is currently marketed in multiple varieties and with varied recipes: with a yogurt icing, with milk chocolate, with different spices, etc. Far from being beneficial, this type of preparations It has a high glycemic index and can cause blood sugar spikes. "Consuming without measurement, can be badociated with weight gain," said Josefina Vicario, clinical vicar.

The substitute: carrot



A good alternative may be "foods rich in carotenoids, present in many red vegetables such as tomatoes or carrots," says dermatologist, member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), Lorea Bagazgoitia . These natural pigments have a strong antioxidant power and also "reduce the risk of sunburn [otro factor de envejecimiento prematuro]although they never replace photoprotection, "adds the expert.

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2. Butter or margarine



From Harvard Medical School, warn that both foods should be avoided or taken with moderation as They are rich in saturated fats. Even those who are sold as low in this type of fat. In 2015, the journal Photochemistry and Photobiology echoed a landmark study in which the influence of trans fatty acids, oxidative damage and mitochondrial function on the skin of rats exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation was evaluated. The results showed that Hydrogenated fats (such as those containing margarine and shortening) are positively correlated with skin thickness and wrinkles.

The substitute: lawyer



"The progressive oxidation of our body, caused by free radicals, is the cause of the aging of our tissues and the appearance of many chronic diseases. A good diet, rich in antioxidants, can help us stay healthy and look younger for longer.says Izaskun Astoreca Naverán, a specialist in cosmetic medicine and nutrition at the Biolaser Clinic. Vitamin E is an antioxidant found in foods such as avocado or olive oil.

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3. sweet drinks

Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks

At this point, we all know that sugary drinks are bad for your health. Even sugars are involved. And the problem is not just in sugar, high levels of caffeine can affect the quality of sleep, which is "badociated with increased intrinsic signs of aging, decreased skin barrier function, and less eye satisfaction. " ", concludes a study by the Cleveland Medical Center in the United States.

The substitute: of water



When has the essence of our existence ceased to be popular? If it produces only deep drinking water, try adding lemon slices, this, although it is not proven that it is thinner, it adds a touch of flavor.

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4. french fries



Neither craftsmen nor ecological nor homemade. French fries also provide advanced glycation end products (AGEs), although "the main reason for avoiding potato chips is not so much the accumulation of these compounds as eating chips as they have low nutritional quality and high energy intake"Ursúa says that this type of food is related to the excessive formation of free radicals that to shorten life and age the skin prematurely.

The substitute: batata

Sweet potato pieces.

Sweet potato pieces.

This food is rich in vitamin C, which helps delay the appearance of wrinkles., according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Although it is not worth inflating, Ursúa remembers that "it is not worth changing sweet potato chips to avoid AGE if we are all on the couch all day".

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5. Processed meat

Processed meats

Processed meats

The World Health Organization has been clear: processed meats are not good for you. Among other things, they contain additives related to inflammation and can also damage the skin's collagen (which accentuates wrinkles and marks of expression). We must also look at their preparation: "Do not overdo with toast, fries or dishes prepared on the grill," says Ursúa, who says that cooking at high temperatures or burning food can produce compounds that are harmful to health, such as acrylamide.

The substitute: tofu



Ursúa recommends as an alternative "a diet based on plant products"Bagazgoitia agrees and recommends the consumption of" antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. "And if we want protein, there are also options:" Legumes also provide this nutrient, "says Naverán. studies- has anti-inflammatory properties, and if vegetarians do not suit you, experts recommend chicken or turkey.

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6. chocolate bars

Bars of chocolate

Bars of chocolate

Chocolate bars contain highly processed cocoa that has lost most of its health-promoting components, such as flavonoids (natural antioxidants). To make matters worse, They contain hydrogenated fats, low quality flours (when there is a biscuit in between) and added sugars. An explosive badtail.

The substitute: pure cocoa

Pure cocoa

Pure cocoa

Or almost. This is the only way to savor this delicately healthy dish. The tablet must contain at least 70% cocoa to really preserve all its nutrients.

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7. salt



The star condiment, with which we maintain a relationship too pbadionate, could be the cause of skin lesions caused by atopic dermatitis, according to a German research published in Science. The findings showed that sodium chloride could promote skin allergic reactions such as dermatitis. In addition, alert to the Harvard Medical School, this element dehydrates and dries our skin.

The substitute: oregano and other herbs

L & # 39; oregano

L & # 39; oregano

The solution to salt addiction goes through an inevitable change of chip. Experts recommend gradually replacing salt with condiments or spices that enhance the taste of your meals."Among those we regularly use for cooking, there are some who are very rich in flavonoids such as oregano or thyme," concludes Astoreca Naverán.



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