These are the 11 videos that teach how to repair the iPhone X and that Apple does not want you to see


A user has uploaded to YouTube the official instructions that show, among other things, how to change the battery of the last phone of the company

It is already known from Apple does not like consumers repairing their own equipment . In fact, they require specific tools to disarm and updates of the operating system can disable functions if a computer was repaired with unofficial spare parts. 19659004] That said, it is likely that the Apple company is not very happy after a user raised 11 of his internal repair videos to YouTube . According to the site of the motherboard, these audiovisual tutorials are authentic and are under copyright of Apple .

While Apple still has not confirmed that these videos are the official ones to train technicians specializing in the repair of branded equipment, some signs seem to indicate that they are original, such as the existence of tools hardly acquired and that Apple distributes among its Authorized Repairers

"When I saw these videos (on Twitter), I fell out of curiosity and when the account was suspended, I wanted people to continue watching them, so rose to YouTube "said Arman Haji, l & rsquo; User who posted the material on YouTube.

In addition, the material shows how the community of " did it yourself " to in effect in the use of the 39, reverse engineering to repair the equipment of the brand, since the tutorial showing how open the iPhone X and replace the battery is very similar to which he published iFixit a site which gathers "amateurs" repairers of electronics.


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