These are the agreements signed by Chavismo and the Venezuelan opposition in Mexico


Venezuela's regime and opposition in Mexico
Venezuela’s regime and opposition in Mexico

The dialogue between the Nicolás Maduro regime and the Venezuelan opposition generated its first concrete results on Monday in Mexico, where delegations announced the first two partial agreements after the second phase of negotiations since Friday.

“The results of this table will benefit all Venezuelans and all Venezuelans. We did it again in Mexico “Jorge Rodríguez, representative of Chavismo, told reporters ahead of the negotiations.

The first and most important resolution is the “Partial Agreement for the Social Protection of the Venezuelan People.”

On the basis of this agreement, the coordinator of the delegation of the Unitary Platform, Gerardo Blyde, announced the creation of a National Social Welfare Council to deal with the health and nutrition problems from which Venezuelans suffer.

Joint communication from Chavismo and the opposition
Joint communication from Chavismo and the opposition

To tackle this scourge, Blyde said they are looking for resources that will allow them to access more COVID-19 vaccines, as well as access the United Nations food security program ( UN).

“We don’t need anyone to give us anything, we have enough resources”, Rodríguez said, referring to the fact that with money deposited abroad it is possible to obtain “COVID vaccines, equip hospitals and participate in food programs”.

At this point, Gerardo Blyde revealed that Chavismo came up with ideas for the use of Republic funds through the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

“The IMF’s resources have been requested by the regime, we have not yet authorized anything”, assured the representative of the democratic forces of Venezuela.

With the latter, Maduro’s regime intends to take control of assets frozen abroad, Rodríguez said.

Communiqué of the Unitary Platform
Communiqué of the Unitary Platform


The unified struggle for “the ratification and defense of the sovereignty of Venezuela over the Guayana Esequiba”, an area of ​​159,500 square kilometers, rich in resources between Venezuela and Guyana, which has been at the center of a struggle between the two countries for nearly two centuries.

“These are resources which also belong to Venezuela and which have been illegally stolen through the figure of” over-compliance “, over-compliance, which from the point of view of the Bolivarian government are illegal, which are coercive measures, ill-named sanctions”, argued Rodríguez.

In this sense, the representative of the opposition affirmed that: “The Essequibo belongs to the Venezuelans, so here there can be no difference in the defense of our territory and our sovereignty.”


The chavist announced that negotiations will resume in a third stage from September 24 to 27 in Mexico, where they have been negotiating since a first visit from August 13 to 15, when they signed a memorandum of understanding to agree on a common agenda.

Chavismo Declaration
Chavismo Declaration

Gerardo Blyde also announced that the issue of the democratic reinstitutionalization of Venezuela will be discussed with a view to having a “A sovereign and independent judicial system which can decide without political interference”.

Likewise, he asserted that: “In Venezuela there is no democracy,” he insisted that if a rapid separation of powers is not achieved, it will not be possible to achieve “even economic growth. “.

With this process, promoted by Norway and in which Mexico participates as a facilitator seat, the opposition is demanding “free” elections in the regional elections on November 21, while dictator Nicolás Maduro wants international sanctions to be lifted.

Chavismo Declaration
Chavismo Declaration

“The parties agreed that the first point of discussion for the next round will be on ‘Respect for the rule of constitutional law’. In particular, justice and respect for institutions will be discussed ”the Norwegian Embassy in Mexico said in a statement.

“The parties have agreed to establish mechanisms for restoration and obtaining resources to meet the social needs of the population, with particular emphasis on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including those of multilateral organizations “Norway added.

But disagreements persist

Despite the advances, Blyde told reporters that within the framework of the talks, agreements will be found “bit by bit” and after discussing the issues “in depth”, so that “false expectations” are not fueled.

The signature of the members of the Chavismo and opposition delegations
The signature of the members of the Chavismo and opposition delegations

“We have not yet reached the stage of all political prisoners who exist in Venezuela, or exiled, or persecuted, this is an item on the agenda. When we talk about restitution of rights, this is the number 1 item on the agenda “, argued the lawyer.

The opposition representative also clarified that there had been talks on “the electoral issue”, but that it had not been “the center” of the negotiations.

Gerardo Blyde Perez, representative of the Unitary Platform
Gerardo Blyde Perez, representative of the Unitary Platform

In addition, he clarified that the regime requested access to the resources of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but that the opposition did not allow it.

“We haven’t authorized anything yet, we simply agreed to discuss and deepen the discussions in the next rounds. Where we have spoken is that there are resources still available that have been unfrozen from overseas accounts that can be used for vaccines. “, he mentioned.

The lawyer predicted a “long, difficult and complex” process.

Jorge Rodríguez, leader of the negotiating team of dictator Nicolás Maduro
Jorge Rodríguez, leader of the negotiating team of dictator Nicolás Maduro

On the basis of what was signed on August 13, discussions focus on “political rights for all”, electoral guarantees and an observable election calendar.

They also include the lifting of sanctions, the renunciation of violence, the reparation of victims, the protection of the national economy, social protection measures and the guarantees of implementation, monitoring and verification.

(With information from EFE)


Nicolás Maduro’s regime and the Venezuelan opposition reached two partial agreements during the recent day of dialogue in Mexico
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