These are the five most curious results when you search on Google.


Appeared on the scene in 1997, Alphabet's flagship product is one of the most used tools in the world, if not the most. There is no doubt: Google is synonymous with research It offers us answers to everything (or almost everything) we ask, even when we do not really know what we want to find.

In addition to throwing news in a few microseconds, dictionary definitions, weather reports, images, show billboards and even the links that appear when you write your own name, among thousands and millions of functions; Google hides fun tips.

In this note of TN Tecno we will go over the five most curious results when searching on Google. You do not have to wait for the search engine to tell you what the meaning of life is, though virtual entity that knows everything an answer is encouraged.

Twisted and flashing results

There are two searches with effects that surprise any user who is not aware. Google's simple tips. It's true: they do not have more utility than entertainment or mere curiosity. One of them search the word on Google "Askew ", which gives a slightly sloping page.

Results tilted to the side when searching
Results inclined on the side, when looking for "crooked".

The following rarity occurs when writing to the search engine "do a barrel roll"What's going on?" The page turns like a roulette wheel until it stops.

The last option, with a simple effect, is to search for "flash html"Or"flashing label"In the results, you will see that some words of the results are flashing on the screen.

Playful magnifier

Many developers like to hide games in their software. One of the best-known cases is the dinosaur that appears in Chrome, the Google browser, and starts working by tapping the spacebar.

There is also hidden entertainment in the web search engine par excellence. The way to wake him up is googling "Zerg Rush"Then, bubbles will appear on the screen, it will cut down with the cursor and a meter indicating the performance of the reader-researcher.If we do not shoot, these circles" eat "the results.

A game in the search engine itself.
A game in the search engine itself.

Now yes: the meaning of life, according to Google

One of the biggest curiosities of the Alphabet search engine appears when asked What is the meaning of life.

AT to become philosophical you must write the following in the search field: "respond to life, the universe and everything"Which translates into Spanish as" the answer to life, to the universe and to everything. "The search engine has a response that is as strong as surprising: 42.

Google is not crazy or makes fun of users with this answer. In truth, it's a reference to The guide of the hitchhiker in the galaxy by Douglas Adams. In this science fiction text, a race of very intelligent beings asks the same question to a supercomputer, and responds with that number. This is true: this occurs after 7.5 million years of treatment.

The truth is that references to 42 abound in science, mythology and popular culture, as said in this note L & # 39; Independent. And it's also a figure bad in the world of programming. Now, why did Adams choose him in his job?

"The answer is very simple: it's a joke, I had to choose a small ordinary number and I chose it.It's a quite ordinary number, not only divisible by 2, but by 6 and 7. In fact, it is the kind of number that you can present to your parents without fear of being rejected, "explained the author with a good dose of joke.

And added in view of the many references around 42: "The representations in binary, basic numbering systems 13, Tibetan monks … That makes no sense.I sat at my desk, I looked at the garden, I thought to myself:" That going to walk "and I typed it in. End of the story".

Successful answer or simple joke, the truth is that Google exaggerates the myth that revolves around the number.


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