These horrible insects live, eat and have sex on the face | Chronic


People's faces are exposed to millions of particles and cells that are in the air but also to small living things. This particular creature lives in front of the man and feeds on the fat that clears the skin of the man.

These mites, also called mites, measure 0.3 millimeters and are part of the spectrum of arachnids. However, they look like an earthworm. They belong to the family Demodex folliculorum, a type of widespread mite that lives with different animals without them noticing them most of the time.

It's the appearance of a mite.

This is the NPR portal that has published an article on these mites. There, they describe their lifestyle in images that can impact people: by day, they lock themselves in the pores to go out at night and reproduce with others on the face.

Here's how mites are found on the human face (Courtesy: Deep Look)

The human face produces a waxy oil to stay hydrated, a delight for Demodex mites. These insects do not pose a threat to people unless they accumulate in large quantities, which can cause a disease called demodicosis or demodicosis.

They live in the pores of the skin.

In humans, demodicosis can cause a red or white glow in the skin and is often badociated with a decrease in the immune system response.

"Facial mites are definitely the species of animals with which we have a closer connection as human beings, even though most of us do not know them or n '. never see one in our life "he expressed Michelle Trautwein, professor at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.


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