They absolved the man who stabbed Bolsonaro


However, the magistrate Bruno Savino ordered the provisional imprisonment of Adelio Bispo de Oliveira until the doctors determine that it is no more dangerous, informed the site O Globo.

Bispo de Oliveira He was arrested on September 6, 2018, when he stabbed the presidential candidate in a political act in the city of Juiz de Fora.

Bolsonaro suffered serious injuries to the abdomen, which forced him to undergo surgery three times, the last after his accession to the presidency.

Since the attack, the aggressor is being held in a federal prison in Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.

The first reports they did not specify whether the aggressor would continue to be detained in that prison or whether he would be sent back to a hospital neuropsychiatric

Shortly after the judge's announcement, Bolsonaro himself informed the press that he would appeal the sentence that had acquitted his badailant.

"I will take the appropriate legal steps. I'm going to appeal this decision. It is a crime against a candidate for the presidency of the Republic who currently has a mandate. We must go to the last consequences in this case, "said the head of state.

"They tried to kill me, I'm convinced I know who did it (he ordered the attack), but I can not say it, I do not want to prejudge anyone ", did he declare.


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