They absolved the man who stabbed Bolsonaro | Chronic


The man who stabbed the current president of Brazil in September, Jair BolsonaroHe was acquitted by a judge who concluded that the mental disorders suffered by the accused made him unbadailable, judicial sources said.

However, the magistrate Bruno Savino ordered the pre-trial detention of Adelio Bispo de Oliveira until doctors determine that he has stopped being dangerous, reported O Globo.

Bispo de Oliveira was arrested on September 6, 2018, while he was attacking with a knife the presidential candidate Bolsonaro, at a political event in Juiz de Fora.

Bolsonaro was seriously injured in the abdomen, forcing him to have surgery three times.

Since the attack, the aggressor is being held in a federal prison in Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Initial reports did not specify whether the perpetrator would continue to be held in this prison or transferred to a neuropsychiatric hospital.


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