They accuse a Russian passenger of obstructing the corridor of the plane and causing death


A Russian pbadenger clogged Sunday in the damaged aircraft plane Aeroflot in a Moscow airport to retrieve his luggage and caused the death of some travelers in the tragedy that claimed the lives of 41 people for Vessel fire, yesterday reported media survivors. local

Dimitry Khlebushkin, one of the survivors of the SU-1492 Aeroflot flight in Russia, became the center of the scene for his conduct during the evacuation of the aircraft, while that the rest of the desperate pbadengers were trying to save his life, he published TN International's website.

While the authorities were investigating the fate of the plane that had burned at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow after a forced landing, this man was identified as having blocked the escape of other people in order to attempt take her personal belongings, which is forbidden in case of emergency.

According to information provided by a group of pbadengers, Khlebushkin blocked for a moment the aircraft corridor to open the upper compartments and remove their luggage from the cabin when the ship caught fire.

The survivors of the tragedy recognized him when he was removed from the airport, the one he went through while walking with the backpack endangering the rest of the people who were on board the plane.

As if that were not enough, before leaving the scene for good, the man asked for a refund and complained of the mistreatment he had received from the airline's staff.

The British Mirror newspaper explained that Khlebushkin occupied the 10C headquarters and that, according to the testimonies collected, only three pbadengers behind him managed to survive the flames.

Although this man has managed to be identified by most people, researchers believe that many pbadengers have privileged their personal belongings before human lives. It even appeared that almost everyone who sat further in row 11 died in the accident that killed 41 people.

The first sources indicated that the fire was declared on board, but in a video published several hours after the fact, the ship hit the runway of the airport and bounced before catching fire.

After the landing, the pbadengers were evacuated by inflatable slides located at the front of the plane, while the flames devoured it at high speed, with huge columns of black smoke. s raising in the air.

They recover black boxes

At the same time, Russian rescue teams found 41 bodies and two black boxes in the wreckage of the plane that caught fire while landing in a Moscow airport, authorities said yesterday while attempting to determine the cause of the disaster.

Transport Minister Yevgeny Dietrich gave the number of victims and reported that six survivors had been hospitalized. The Aeroflot SSJ100 was carrying 78 people, including five crew members.

The plane caught fire around 6:30 pm Sunday when it suddenly landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, after returning to Murmansk. The event occurred just half an hour after takeoff, which would indicate that the pilots had little time to get rid of gasoline.

Videos of the incident showed pbadengers rushing off backstage deployed at the front of the plane as black smoke spread.

"One of the dead was flight attendant Maxim Moiseev," Dietrich said. The local press, citing unidentified sources, said Moiseev was at the back of the plane, which was engulfed by the flames, and tried unsuccessfully to deploy an evacuation slide. .

The two black boxes, two devices that record data and voices during the flight, were recovered, according to the main Russian research organization.

"Researchers are studying three main hypotheses about the cause of the disaster: pilots without sufficient qualifications, equipment failure or weather conditions," said committee spokeswoman Svetlana Petrenko, quoted by the agencies as saying. Russian press.

There were storms in the Moscow region when the plane landed. The reasons why the pilots decided to make an emergency landing have not been made public.


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