They accuse Bolsonaro of overvaluing the purchase of vaccines


The transaction It was finalized before the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) gave the green light to the product..

“The ministry did not have a vaccine. A colleague, Rodrigo, an official, said there was someone selling the vaccine. And that someone said that there were officials who received bribes. He didn’t give any names“said Luis Ricardo Miranda, an official in the logistics department of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, according to the O Globo website.

Luis Ricardo Miranda assured that he and his brother, Congressman Luis Miranda, had informed President Jair Bolsonaro of the novelty of the alleged payment of bribes or surcharges.

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Luis Ricardo Miranda has been a civil servant at the Brazilian Ministry of Health for 10 years.  Credit: O Globo

Luis Ricardo Miranda has been a civil servant at the Brazilian Ministry of Health for 10 years. Credit: O Globo

The purchase of vaccines by the Brazilian government from the Bharat Biotech laboratory was done through an intermediary, the company Precisa, and Luis Ricardo Miranda said he felt “atypical pressure” to sign the contract.

The Mirandas testified this Friday before the ICC as witnesses in the case of the alleged overpricing of vaccines against Covid-19. A few hours later, Bolsonaro reacted, accusing them of “defamation”.

“Four, five months later [Luis Miranda] talk to me, nothing happened. Not a single dose of Covaxin reached Brazil. Not a cent has been spent on that, ”slammed the president.

Brazil has accumulated more than 18 million cases of Covid-19, including more than 500,000 fatalities. The vaccination campaign is progressing slowly across the country, with some states still on the brink of collapsing health.

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