they add a mammographer and he works at the full diagnostic service with images of the hospital


Modern equipment will enable studies to detect bad cancer, one of the priority lines of universal health coverage (CUS). A resonator and a tomograph also work in the area.

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The San Juan Bautista Hospital, in Santo Tomé, received the new mammography incorporated into the diagnostic imaging department of this facility, which, on the basis of this equipment, will work fully, as well as the tomograph and resonator capabilities. . The team requested an investment of over $ 400,000, with the contribution of Funcacorr, through Ioscor.
The acquisition of the mammography machine for the border town is not only another piece of equipment, but enrolled in the priorities of the implementation of universal health coverage ( CUS) in the management of chronic diseases, including bad cancer, in addition to diseases such as diabetes, hypertension.
This state of the art equipment was announced by Governor Gustavo Valdes when he delivered the resonator and inaugurated the work of the Diagnostic Imaging Department at this institution last May.
The new diagnostic service equipment for Santo Tomé's images is coupled with the magnetic resonator, delivered last May, with permanent magnet technology, which was acquired for a sum of $ 520,000 and the tomograph at 16 cuts that had previously been installed from the Ministry of Public Health and which supplements an avant-garde service, through articulated work with the Corrientes Heart Institute, the management of Funcacorr and the l 39; investment of the province, which has also integrated in this area of ​​the hospital equipment for which it has been structurally reformed for an amount exceeding 4 million pesos.
"The presence of this new mammogram at the hospital of Santo Tomé comes to fill a need of the people of this region, and especially at this time when we implement the universal health coverage and in this program the bad cancer is the One of the priority lines, "said Minister of Public Health Ricardo Cardozo.
He emphasized the importance of ensuring that mammograms "early detect and treat bad cancer patients early, because this pathology is one of the leading causes of death in women." Province".
The manager pointed out: "This team completes the good service of diagnostic imaging, joins the tomograph and the resonator, which the Governor inaugurated a short time ago, and which is part of a chord system that we have with Ioscor and with the Corrientes Heart Institute. "
In this line, the Minister recalled that the diagnostic imaging department of Santo Tomé Hospital is connected by optical fiber to Corrientes Heart Institute, which allows to obtain the images made by the equipment such as the resonator, the tomograph and now the mammograph, in real time in the capital.

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