They admitted it for Covid and found a very original way to thank the attention | the Chronicle


Osvaldo Moreyra contracted the Covid-19 virus and had to be admitted to Esteban Echeverría Bicentennial High Complexity Hospital. So far, this is a fairly well-known situation since March 2020. However, it turns out that This man was released and was so satisfied with the care he received that he decided it was better to be clear.

After surely brewing several ideas to express such satisfaction, he decided that the best thing was to protect his gratitude and therefore organized a parade on the outskirts of the said medical center.

The parade organized by the Moreyra family.

“Words will never be enough to show so much appreciation to doctors, nurses, assistants. They saved my life, everything they did for me. Thanks to the Bicentennial Hospital. Osvaldo Moreyra’s family ”, it could be read in the large poster which went viral on social media.

As for Covid-19 in the country, this Friday 15,622 people tested positive and 286 others unfortunately died. With these figures and according to the Ministry of Health, since the start of the pandemic, they are numbered 4,827,973 cases and 103,359 deaths.

Of the total positives, 4,464,987 have already been unloaded and 259,627 are confirmed active cases.

These figures put Argentina in eighth place in the world in the number of positive cases since. It is only exceeded by United States, India, Brazil, France, Russia, United Kingdom and Turkey in this order.

Regarding hospitalizations, the health portfolio indicated that there are currently 4,358 people hospitalized for Coronavirus in intensive care, In addition, the percentage of bed occupancy among adults is 58.5% in the country and 56.3% in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires.

Alberto Fernández and Axel Kicillof participated in the inauguration of the aforementioned hospital.

If we break the numbers down by gender, we find that 165 and 116 women have died in the past 24 hours. For their part, four people from the Province of Buenos Aires and one Mendoza were reported without sexual relations.

53 men lost their lives in the province of Buenos Aires; 25 in Santa Fe, 13 in Mendoza, 12 in Chacho, 11 in Córdoba, 10 in the city of Buenos Aires, 7 in Catamarca, Salta and Santiago del Estero, 5 in Jujuy, 3 in Formosa, La Pampa and Río Negro, 2 in San Luis and 1 in Chubut, San Juan and Santa Cruz.

In addition, 48 women in Buenos Aires, 20 in Santa Fe, 8 in Córdoba, 7 in Mendoza, 6 in the city of Buenos Aires, 4 in Salta and Chaco, 3 in Santiago del Estero and San Luis, 2 in San Juan, La Rioja, Tucumán, Catamarca and Formosa, and 1 in Chubut, Jujuy and La Pampa.


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