They allow a father not to pay the food quota for his son so as not to “perpetuate his idleness”


A father will not have to pay child support for his son, as reported in the last hours. The incident took place in the city of Vigo where a 20-year-old boy will no longer receive the child support he was getting monthly from his father.

In July 2020, his parents’ divorce judgment established, among other things, that the parent had to pay him 75 euros per month as alimony.

The boy had no income and the court of first instance considered it necessary to give him time to enter the labor market.

Authorities Decide Father Not Paying Child Support: Details
The Provincial Court of Pontevedra has now ruled in his favor. He exempted him from paying this monthly payment because he considers that, in doing so, we manage to perpetuate his idleness.

The young man in question dropped out of school in 2017 and said he did not want to continue his studies. However, he also did not attempt to enter the world of work. He was not even registered as a job seeker with SEPE.

“We considered that he had already had a long time to run his life. He himself declared during the trial that he was not actively seeking employment, ”Rocío Sío, the father’s lawyer, told NIUS.

Being accredited with these data, the judges of the Court consider that there is an “absolute lack of use and dedication to the studies of the child, as well as the absolute neglect and disinterest of the child in the search for a job, when there is no proof of the slightest impediment or the slightest serious motivation that could possibly justify their indolence ”.

In this case, the son himself admitted in court that his father called him by phone, but did not answer him.

Even they had met on the street on occasion and refused to speak to him. “He said he just didn’t want to be in a relationship and it was because of the marriage crisis. But what the Court says is that this separation is not a reason for the son not to speak to the father, because nothing really happened, the couple had simply separated ”, a- he said about it.

And they underlined that it is necessary “to insist on the construction of ships” and to work for “the recovery of the merchant navy because there are no more ships flying the Argentinian flag”.


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