They analyze quinoa seeds growing in space to use as food for astronaut


A foundation in the province of Tucumán, in collaboration with the University of York in Canada, is studying the possibility of germination of Quinoa seed in the space use it as food for astronaut and absorb a toxic gas generated inside the spacecraft.

"We sent seeds to York University, where they were subjected to conditions similar to those of space. what variety of quinoa can be candidate to be cultivated there, "Juan Antonio González, director of the Miguel Lillo Foundation, told the newspaper. The Gazette

The agreement between the two agencies was facilitated by researcher Pamela Such, who is working on a project from the University of York and the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) of the United States, said Gonzalez, according to which he published Télam.

It is Tel who proposed to the Foundation to use York University equipment to simulate the conditions of the planet Mars and asteroids to see how quinoa reacts. González explained that while studying in Canada "the seeds were subjected to 200 degrees below zero and a very powerful emptiness, without atmosphere, and sprout in these conditions. "

"Now we badyze how the nutrients are mobilized inside the seeds, and how long does germination last? "

The Foundation has been studying the properties of quinoa since 1990, a very hardy cereal that grows both in the high mountains, at over 4,000 meters above sea level, and supports drought conditions and rays. ultraviolet. In addition, its badimilation rate of carbon dioxide is high, which accumulates in space vehicles. because of the breathing of astronauts.


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