They analyze the cellphone of the deceased Argentina in Mallorca to try to find the reseller


The young woman from Mar del Plata, who died in Spain after eating ecstasy, bought the drug before arriving at the electronic party in Palma de Mallorca and the Spanish police badessed her mobile phone to try to find the dealer who sold it, said his sister Lourdes and sources to Telam. of the Argentine Consulate.

The young woman said that she had handed over her sister's cell phone to the police because there could be "a suppressed message" that helps find the person who might have sold him the drug.

The consul of Argentina in Mallorca, Roberto Alonso, said the police would soon take notice of the statements of the young people who were with Milagros.

"The important thing is that there is an open investigation, which is currently in the hands of the Palma National Police, under the guise of" voluntary use and drug trafficking ", has Alonso said.

The consular representative, who is available to the family, explained that the investigators "extend the statements to relatives and acquaintances Milagros", and recalled that the cause was not yet in the hands of justice .

According to surveys, Milagros consumed one of the two pills on Sunday the 14th when it was at the Origin festival, and they think another half was a friend. The other half was found in her purse and the family gave it to the experts so they could badyze it.

In the coming days, the people who accompanied Milagros, 19, will travel to the party held in the enclosure of Son Fusteret, which could provide new clues about the origin of the synthetic drug that put end to the life of the young woman.

Lourdes Moyano confirmed that his sister Milagros had in his possession the drug "a day before the party", but that he did not know where he had bought it and whether she or one of his friends l? ;did.

"We told the police what we knew, that she had sold the pill the day before, but we did not know where." At first we thought that they had taken her away at home, after going out of a place, but we know very well, "he said.

Lourdes said the information she provided to the researchers is based "on what the boys told us that they had accompanied her to the party".

In addition, he said that he did not think that his sister had the drug alone: ​​"we did not know anyone let alone where we can buy drugs".

The young people who went to the party with Milagros "were not really friends," said Lourdes, "since we barely met them a month and a half or two ago".

Milagros' family filed a police complaint against the national police in Palma de Mallorca, a Balearic town where the young woman lived for three months, to ask who had provided the drug and whether she had been adulterated with the drug. rat poison, as the brothers of the young woman say, although this information can not yet be confirmed by the badyzes carried out.

On the other hand, the police made it clear that the four people arrested in connection with drug operations during the previous days and on the day of the holiday "have no connection with the death of Milagros" .

The young woman had attended the festival Origin in Palma on Sunday, July 14, where she had suffered a shock and had to be badisted and transferred to the university hospital Son Espases.

Moyano was evacuated two days later with a critical image of Clínic Hospital in Barcelona and died a few minutes before the arrival of his parents from Argentina.

The young woman had left Mar del Plata three months earlier with her twin sister. They both worked as supervisors in the baths of El Arenal.


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