They analyze the confinement of Paris due to the increase in coronavirus cases – Viva la radio


The town hall proposed that the French capital be confined due to the deteriorating health situation, according to the deputy mayor, Emmanuel Grégoire.

“The development is worrying and requires us to think about additional measures,” said Grégoire on the France Info channel, where he criticized the fact that the president, Emmanuel Macron, does not rely on “scientific arguments” to assert his desire to avoid further confinement. .

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This measure would give “a breath of fresh air” and would bring the “prospect of reopening everything when finished”Said Gregory.

“We cannot force ourselves to live in a semi-prison for months. Now we have to take courageous decisions,” added Anne Hidalgo, socialist mayor.

Julieta Tejada, an Argentinian living in France, clarified Channel 3 that so far no announcement has been made, although he warned that there was “a deterioration of the health situation” with 30,000 cases per day.

“The country has 101 departments and 20 are on alert. But that does not exclude strengthening measures in the coming days. In the south, strict containment is in place at the weekend,” he added. .

Nationally, a curfew is already in effect between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. and restaurants, cafes, bars, museums and cinemas have been closed for several months.

More than 85,000 people have died from the coronavirus in France, one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic.


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