They announced in the networks that they would never have children and the publication became viral – 02/02/2019


"We want to share with you the great joy. We will never be dads. " The publication of Andrés and Nathalie, a Colombian couple, went further than ever. In the text that they shared on Facebook and which quickly became viral, they announced that he had had a vasectomy because They decided never to have children. Immediately, the debate broke out, which placed them at the center of the social media scene.

"We will never be fathers, we accept a life in which we will forever buy toys for ourselves, you can travel without limits, walk naked in the house and more"writes the young man who works as a tattoo artist in Medellín with irony.

"We want to share with you the great joy, we will never be dads," said the couple.

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However, he then explained what is the real reason that they made this decision that seems to have no way of going back: "Our main reason is not this one, the most important is to contribute to the conservation of the planet so overpopulated and battered. We will not bring another human to pollute, "said the young man in a publication also shared by his wife.

Immediately, a whirlwind of opinion made Andrés' text a reason for debate about whether or not to have children, with more than 2,000 comments, about 100,000 reactions and a total of 46,000 "shared". Insults, questions and a lot of support from this couple aroused such a stir that Nathalie decided to respond with a new text.

"The most important thing is to contribute to planet conservation, which is overpopulated and damaged, we will not bring another human to pollute," Andres said.

"I really do not know how to think of our decision not to have children, here are some conclusions," he said in his release, after the unexpected repercussions of his posting.

"I hope to see so many people share our thoughts, happy that more and more people are aware. I am totally surprised to learn that so many young couples have taken the same path. This gives hope for the future, "he added.

"I hope to see so many people share our thoughts," Nathalie said.

Although he also mentioned the badaults: "We read hundreds of comments from people who, unfortunately, They do not understand the point, they still believe that the only way in life is to breed like rabbits without thinking about the consequences. People, for me, children are beautiful … If I did not live so affected by what I see every day, because sometimes I feel bad to breathe, to see so many children suffer on the street, drug, violence and cruelty, believe me So, I would consider having one. "

"I am totally surprised to learn that so many young couples have taken the same path, it gives hope for the future," Nathalie said.

"I am aware that not everyone should think like us, that the human race should continue. I admire people who plan a son, who educates him with love every daywho fear to leave a good human being who contributes to the planet, "added the young woman who, like her partner, also underwent a medical intervention to avoid becoming pregnant.

Nathalie said about the contamination:

Nathalie said about the contamination: "many have no idea of ​​their ecological footprint".

"In short, there is a lack of education and common sense, most people who attack us in the comments believe that polluting throws garbage on the street, they have no idea of ​​their ecological footprint, "he wrote about pollution generated by a person in the world.

"We want to contribute to the first person what we will leave after our pbadage on this planet".

And he concluded: "Never in our life has a publication on our part been so controversial and we like it. Because finally we wanted to share what we are aware of, that we think differently from many and that we agree with a lifestyle that wants to contribute a little in the first person to what we will leave after our pbadage on this planet. they are obviously no longer children. "


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