They are discovered stealing the tracks on Google Maps – News


A user of the Tik-Tok social network posted a video that went viral, generating reactions of all kinds, thanks to the images of Google vehicles photographing all the streets of the world.

The tiktoker shared the footage captured in Street View in the Polish town of Krosno, with a population of 50,000, right at one of the town’s level crossings.

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The photo shows a group of people committing what appears to be a crime in broad daylight. “You won’t believe what I just found. I thought I saw it all,” he said.

The user enlarges the map and shows three women and a man carrying a kind of metal beam which they are dragging with the help of a small cart. “They are literally stealing the tracks,” he said.

However, some users claim that they are only carrying a steel beam used in construction, while others suggest that the protagonists are heading for a junkyard.


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