They are investigating an alleged torture center in a subway station in Santiago, Chile.


The complaint was filed Wednesday morning by a young man named Nicolás L. S., who was arrested at the Baquedano metro. where the police had set up a torture center, reported the site Cooperative.

Like him there would be 19 other complaints because of excess committed by the police, said Sergio Micco, director of the NHRI.

"There are eight complaints, which are today. I believe that in the next few hours they will increase. There is a constitutional appeal because in a police station, inhuman, cruel and degrading treatment was unacceptablesaid Micco.

That is why Micco went to the Baquedano station Wednesday morning together with Judge Felipe Urrutia, Seventh Court of Guarantee, and members of the Investigative Police (IDP) to verify the testimonies received.

Nicolás L. S. stated that he was beaten with wet towels and dislocated. but also he would have witnessed the torture and vexation of other detainees.

The young man was released and then followed by Red Cross personnel before being transferred to a medical center. There he was treated, among other things, by post-traumatic stress, according to his sister.

Until now, the NHRI has only made it clear that the investigation would pursue its abuses and that "the task of determining whether or not there was a crime was incumbent on the Attorney General's Office", that is to say at the prosecutor's office.

To integrate

For his part, the leader of the Socialist Party (PS), Manuel Monsalve, said that "illegal detentions and torture occur in dictatorship, not in democracy".

"The President and the Minister of the Interior must be required to clarify these facts in front of the country and to guarantee to Chileans that the state of emergency does not entail a violation of the rights of the country. Man, "said the legislator.


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