They are investigating whether the San Martin letter that Cristina Kirchner had with her was stolen from the Vicuña Mackenna archives in Chile.


During the raid on Cristina Kirchner's house in El Calafate, the federal police stole many valuables. On the orders of Judge Claudio Bonadio, works of art, antiques and paintings were removed, although two historical documents They were different from others.

It was a record of former President Hipólito Yrigoyen and a map, in handwriting, from General Don Jose de San Martín to Bernardo O. Higgins. The discovery prompted an investigation – at the same time – to determine how these objects ended up in the home of the former president, and the research has already yielded its first results.

As you may have known judicial sources, the letter of St. Martin would have been stolen from the archives of Vicuña Mackennain the neighboring country, during a move in 1981. The information was also verified with the authorities of the National Archives of Chile.

Although it is difficult to establish exactly when the document was removed, a data would pay the theory that it was stolen in the early 80's. In Chile's general archives, a transcript of the letter – written between 1950 and 1960 – was found, confirming that the writing was close to the rest of the manuscripts until at least twenty years before the trace be lost. shows this transcript for the first time:

The transcription of the letter. An error was made in placing the date: it was not sent on December 20th, 1835, but on the 26th.
The transcription of the letter. An error was made in placing the date: it was not sent on December 20th, 1835, but on the 26th.

The "lost" volume is number nine and is part of the file that the National Library of Chile bought from Mackenna's widow, Mrs. Victoria Subercaseaux, by Decree No. 1271 of April 26, 1887.

In this sense, another less powerful possibility is that Mackenna's widow lost the letter before being acquired by the National Library.

However, specialists understand that the type of paper of the letter found in the house of Cristina Kirchner, its wear and the ink tone It is identical to the writings of the General Archives of Chile. So we think they were part of the same volume for decades.

Black market

The letter from San Martin to O. Higgins was found in a brown leather case meant to house this manuscript: it was the same size as the leaves, which stood between two pressed acrylics. This suggests to justice that the historical document went through the black market for years, until its landing at Cristina. What was your route? It is unknown and it is difficult to establish.

Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio he pursued the old for "concealment, destruction or illegal export of historical documents" as part of the case that began after the house searches. He also ordered a $ 100,000 embargo. Currently, the papers are "protected" within the general archives of the nation.


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