They are looking for the crossbow madman | Chronic


The mystery is growing in Germany, where the police are trying to elucidate the brutal crime of five people. The investigation began last Saturday when three bodies were found, while yesterday, two others appeared in the house of one of the first victims. On Saturday, worried about not having opened the door of a hotel room in Bavaria, an employee came into the room and found a terrifying photo: three people were killed. They were a woman and a man who were in bed, holding hands and with arrows stuck in the skull and chest. Another woman had only one arrow in her torso. In addition, two crossbows had been dropped in the hall.

German researchers recalled that in the country, everyone can buy a crossbow. The only requirement is to be over 18 years old.

It turned out that the three people had registered Friday night and had booked three nights. While the autopsies were performed on Monday, the mystery widened with the appearance of two new bodies, in the house of one of the first murdered women, in the district of Gifhorn, Lower Saxony.

Although the authorities have not confirmed the mechanisms of death, it appeared that they would also have been victims of the crossbow fool. German researchers recalled that in the country, everyone can buy a crossbow. The only requirement is to be over 18 years old.


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