They are studying a new variant of the coronavirus in Peru: …


Researchers of Peru they identified a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, with a large presence in this country, which circulates in others in the region. Colloquially called “Andean strain”, variant C.37 studied by Peruvian scientists has already been detected in Ecuador, Chile, the United States, Brazil and Argentina.

“This week we reported the identification of a new line (variant) of SARS-CoV-2 which appears to be developing rapidly in Peru and Chile. It’s called C.37, ”announced molecular microbiology doctor Pablo Tsukayama, who is part of the team studying this new genetic modification of the virus.

As reported on his Twitter account, the discovery was posted to the website, where virologists around the world are adding their research.

“What is the difference compared to the 50 variants that we already have in Peru? 1) It has a deletion that we have already seen in the worrying variants (like the British, South African and Manaus variants); 2) He has mutations that could help him escape neutralization by antibodies; 3) Its rapid growth in Lima is worrying, ”Tsukayama explained.

The researcher explained that the new variant was discovered thanks to the project of genomic surveillance that they are carrying out in their country. “Since July 2020, we have been trying to process 100 genomes per month to see which variants are circulating. As early as December, we observed a variant that presented a series of very particular mutations, ”he explained in statements to the C5N channel.

“C.37 descends from a line called B.1.1.1 which has been circulating around the world since the start of the pandemic,” the researcher explained, adding that this new variant “It is growing rapidly and we are now seeing it in 50 out of 123 (40.6%) genomes reported in Lima and Callao between January and March ”.

Tsukayama added that in April they had already reported 160 cases in Chile and 133 in the United States. “Today we see it in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Germany, Spain, France, UK and Australia”, He said.

“With the data available, we cannot be sure if the C.37 originated from Peru or Chile. They both have similar outbreaks in 2021 and share many daily flights. Another possibility is that it was introduced into Chile and Peru from another country in the region that has not yet detected it, ”explained the researcher.

Finally, the researcher closed his explanation with three questions that will require further investigation to be able to answer adequately: Is C.37 more transmissible or more virulent than the other variants? Is it responsible for the increase in cases and deaths of the second wave in the region? Will the vaccines be effective against this variant?

The researcher stressed that answering these questions will require research time, funding and international collaboration. But the appearance and the expansion of this lineage seems to correspond to the increase in cases in various regions. But remember that correlation does not imply causation, ”Tsukayama finally said.


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