They are trying to save eight mountaineers trapped by an avalanche in the Himalayas


The entourage of the missing mountaineers is composed of four British, two Americans, one Indian and one Australian. All contacts were lost Friday in the Nanda Devi, the second highest mountain in India, with 7,826 meters of altitude.

This Sunday, they looked for them two helicopters and dozens of rescuers during the second day of activities, but they had to cut early in the afternoon because of the concentration of clouds.

Now, rescuers are now trying to pick up data among the survivors to get out again on Monday, weather permitting.

Rescue operations began yesterday and were suspended at night due to adverse weather conditions.

Three research teams have already reached the first base camp located 25 km below the summitwhile another team with medical and civilian supplies is also on the way.

"We hope to find clues, but it's not an easy task", said Jogdande, who added that mountaineers were probably trekking at more than 6,000 meters altitude, when the avalanche surprised them after a heavy snowfall.


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