They are twins and have fulfilled their suicide pact: their tragic story


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The tragic story of the twins who said they were sexually abused and ended up killing themselves because they didn’t believe them.

Chris and Sam Gould were two young people twins From the UK, from a young age, they showed how close they were as sisters and how much they loved each other.

Their good relationship was reflected everywhere they went but also through social networks where whenever they could, they took pictures to share them.

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Unfortunately, in adolescence, the twins They started to have psychiatric disorders, although they could sometimes feel good with the different activities they did on a daily basis, like the metal band that Chris was a part of, it was something that kept them from living fully. .

Their mother explained that Chris showed her discomfort with complications at meal times, self-harm or suicide attempts.

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The tragic story of the twins who said they were sexually abused and ended up killing themselves because they didn’t believe them.

Over four years ago, in 2016, one of the main reasons the two of them suffered from different psychological issues that they couldn’t resolve emerged. Sam and Chris have said they have been sexually abused since 2007.

Speaking up against something so traumatic as they went through was very hard to deal with, but instead of finding justice to release some of the pain the two were carrying, they found the opposite.

The British system ruled after several investigations with the police that there was not enough evidence to formally blame the rapist they denounced twins.
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The tragic story of the twins who said they were sexually abused and ended up killing themselves because they didn’t believe them.

Since then, everything has worsened since the two felt disabled because no one believed them, to the point that one of the sisters, Sam, decided to end her life two years after filing a formal complaint (2018) .

It was a very hard blow for the whole family, especially for Chris who was her faithful companion for everything, which is why it took a lot for her to move on without her and her health started to deteriorate more and more. Finally, four months after the death of her twin, she decided to kill herself.

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