They are twins and share the same driver's license for 20 years: they discovered them because they left them naked.


Twenty years or 7300 days. It was the time that lasted one of the most curious disappointments "fierreros" We discovered that Chinese twins had used the same driver's license for twenty years without the authorities realizing it.

There are many twins, but it goes further: as they have always been very similar, they share the record that allowed them to drive on public roads. The plan was that one of the two was in effect at all timessince they have been repeatedly suspended for driving with alcohol in the blood.

The strangest thing about this case is the way they were discovered: the twin who did not have his own driver's license He has lost hair over the yearsThe difference with his brother (the one on the photo of the map) was therefore notorious.

"Although they seemed very similar, some features differentiated them, including the thickness and length of your hair", Zhao Xin, the official, said in a dialogue with the local media.

The incident occurred in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, but is being talked about on all five continents. To make matters worse, the twin discovered must now pay a fine of 2,000 yuan, or about 12,700 pesos. And now, he is waiting for the charges for which he is accused.


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