They are twins, the DNA can not determine which of the two is the father of a girl and the justice has forced them to keep him – 03/04/2019


Fernando and Fabrício are identical twins. They live in Cachoeira Alta, 358 kilometers from Goiania, in central Brazil. Like boys, like many twins, they took advantage of their Extreme physical similarity enjoy, at school, in business or in other circumstances of everyday life. Already teenagers, they brought this couple to the level of relations with women: they were covered to hide betrayals and to "win" more girls. But now, this behavior has put them in trouble: a woman filed a paternity suit against both. And since science can not distinguish which of them is the father of Mariana, the girl in question, imposed on both brothers an equal pension.

The names are fictitious, but the case is real. It has been posted on its website by the Goiás State Court of Justice. "Monozygotic twins, or monozygotic twins, have the same genetic code, so DNA lab tests They revealed the girl's compatibility with the two men. Fernando accused Fabrício, who, in turn, named Fernando as a father. Since none of the men wanted to take responsibility, the district judge, Felipe Luís Peluca, decided that both would be included in the girl's birth certificate and that they would pay each one, alimony worth 30% of the minimum wage", Explained the Brazilian justice.

In his decision, the judge made it clear that one of the brothers "in bad faith" seeks to hide his paternity. He accuses them of having "clumsy behavior" and baderts that the judicial duty is precisely to protect others from these "clumsy behaviors".

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The big question is whether Valeria, Mariana's mother, I did not know who I had bad with. According to the woman on the court record, she had a brief relationship with her daughter's father, whom she had met at a party with friends and family. I thought Fernando. "He said that he had a twin brother, but I did not ask him to introduce him to me, so I was not suspicious of anything," he said. Examining certain facts, the woman began to doubt: for example, the day she met the supposed Fernando, he was "with the yellow bike of Fabrício".

Valeria has filed a paternity suit against Fernando. The DNA has been tested positive. But with this result, Fernando stressed his brother as a real father. Fabrício did the same test. And the DNA has again been tested positive. "It's a very sad attitude, they did not need it.They know the truth, but they take advantage of the similarity with flee responsibility"The woman said according to the text cited by the website of the Brazilian court.

And also justice itself recognizes the impossibility of determining who is the father. The reason is that since univitelline twins come from the division of a single egg fertilized by the same sperm, they have identical DNA and that is why a common test can not determine who is the father of the girl. There is an badysis that traces all the DNA, but it costs more than $ 15,000 and this is inconclusive because it only works if one of those who undergo it is mutating. genetic.

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In his ruling, the judge recalled a very similar case that occurred in the United States 12 years ago. Then, a woman, Holly Marie Adams, had relationships with the twin Raymon and Richard Miller. The DNA could not determine who was the father of his daughter and ended up solving the US Supreme Court. But as the woman always designated one of them as the father, the court ruled that Raymon was the father.

And also the judge defended the concept of multiparallel biological considering the two men as father of the girl: "Given the peculiarities of each case, I consider that the decision that accelerates the most the concept of justice is a decision that gives prestige to the interests and rights of the child. Child, to the detriment of the clumsiness of the required. "



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