“They are useless”: Jesús Zambrano launched against AMLO and the National Guard


Jesús Zambrano criticized the president for increasing the budget of the National Guard and cutting resources for the health sector (Photos: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)
Jesús Zambrano criticized the president for increasing the budget of the National Guard and cutting resources for the health sector (Photos: Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro)

The national leader of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), Jesús Zambrano Grijalva, criticized the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to increase the budget of the National Guard and reduce the resources of the health sector.

July 25 López Obrador reported of his press conference in Xalapa, Veracruz, that the National Guard will have an additional budget of 50 billion pesos to be consolidated over the next two years, i.e. end of 2023.

The increase in the budget, the president said, is due to the growing role of the armed forces in the country’s public security, which is why the increase will be earmarked for the maintenance of current facilities, as well as the construction of housing for the families of those who make up the Guard.

López Obrador has indicated that the National Guard will have an additional budget of 50 billion pesos (Photo: Presidency)
López Obrador has indicated that the National Guard will have an additional budget of 50 billion pesos (Photo: Presidency)

“We already agreed at a recent meeting that the National Guard will have more budget, will have 50 billion additional pesos to complete the consolidation of this institution by the end of 2023“said AMLO.

He explained that the elements that make up the Guard will have “fair wages, social benefits and also with all the required facilities, both so that the elements of the National Guard remain in their surveillance tasks and also for the construction of housing for the families of the elements ”.

Before the declaration of the federal agent, PRD national leader said national guard is “useless”, since it has not put an end to the insecurity that exists in the country, there is therefore no need to increase your budget.

The PRD national leader said the National Guard is
The PRD national leader said the National Guard is “useless” because it has not ended the insecurity that exists in the country (Photo: AP Photo / Marco Ugarte)

The PRD member recalled that marches were held in the country due to the shortage of medicines, the current administration has reduced resources for the health sector, and meanwhile, AMLO wants to give more money to the security elements.

“While this is happening we have López Obrador saying that for next year he will increase by 50 billion pesos to a national guard that has served no purpose, nor to stop insecurity in our country, what are we talking about? Pure demagoguery of a corrupt government“He said in a video he uploaded to his Twitter account.

Regarding the shortage of medicines, Zambrano Grijalva stressed that last weekend “we saw such important events as the protests of parents” so that their children with cancer have enough medicine and treatment. assured that almost a thousand days will be spent without them having them, when “the government has repeatedly promised that they will solve the problem.”

The PRD member recalled that there were marches in the country due to the drug shortage (Photo: Karina Herández / Infobae)
The PRD member recalled that there were marches in the country due to the drug shortage (Photo: Karina Herández / Infobae)

Likewise, he asserted that the government reduced fixed investments in health by more than 45%, “And they continue to say that we are an example of attention to society in these matters”, at the same time that in the Republic more than 130 thousand little minors are orphans because their parents died from COVID-19 , and he asserted that “there are not enough resources for them”.

The leader of the PRD added to the list the next return to face-to-face classes on August 30, where he assured that neither government institutions nor educational establishments have implemented health measures to prevent massive contagion within the student community.

Along with the video, Jesús Zambrano wrote on his social network: “Pure demagoguery the corrupt government of @Lopezobrador_. There are no drugs against cancer, it reduces the resources of the health sector and disproportionately increases the budget of the #GN ”.


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