They argue that Lula Da Silva could be released "today"


The theologian of the Brazilian liberation Leonardo Boff He anticipated that "it is possible that the liberation of Lula be decided today", before the meeting today of the Federal Superior Court which will badyze a habeas corpus presented by the Former president.

In dialogue with the program "There will be consequences" of Destape Radio, Boff, friend of Lula Da Silva, He spoke of the scandal of leaks in this country: "Everything has been prepared by a mafia of judges and prosecutors allied with the conservative press to prevent the victory of Lula."

In addition, he denounced the fact that "All this was designed by the United States to disbademble Brazilian companies around oil"And that" is a strategy that goes beyond Brazil, the attempt of the Empire to control the southern part of the Atlantic where Brazil and Argentina had an influence. "

He also badyzed that "what has been published is extremely compromising." The lawyers say that it is necessary to cancel the proceedings against Lula, to release him immediately and to prevent Moro from continuing to to be Minister of Justice. "" What they were looking for was to put Lula in jail so that he would not be a candidate and win the elections, "he said.


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