They arrest a man who transmitted child pornography live | Chronic


In a joint operation with the FBI, the federal police arrested a 35-year-old man accused of joining an international child badgraphy network that was "live" with minors who were transmitted online.

The man was arrested during a raid on a house on Bolivia Street, in the city of San Martin in Buenos Aires, as part of a joint investigation with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). .

According to police sources, the detainee "It worked as an administrator and organizer of a discussion forum" from a website that was distributing child badgraphy.

I also read: Autumn family for grooming and trafficking of child badgraphy

The US agency has begun researching an international child badgraphy network over the past year and shared information with the Attorney General's Office of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the ministry said. Security in a statement.


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