They arrest a woman who raped a minor and sent him porn videos of her | the Chronicle


A woman in the city of Sheffield, England, was sentenced on Friday to prison for sexually assaulting a minor after seducing him by texting him over 80,000 texts and an intimate video.

Kirsty jubbThe 27-year-old, for months, texted the victim’s phone and even shared a video of her performing sex before inviting her to her home three times. Finally, she had sex with the minor.

The incident was discovered the next day, when the boy’s parents realized he had not returned home and filed a complaint. In one of the messages, it was discovered that the accused had told the victim that “his family didn’t like him”. “She stole her innocence”, lamented his mother, who also said he was struggling “to understand why he did it”.

In addition, the prosecutor in the case, Ian goldsack, announced that weeks before sexually abusing the minor, the young woman also sent messages to another child. Without justifying his actions, the prosecutor admitted that all the messages exchanged were not of a sexual nature, there were some too “of support and sympathy “, Outfit.

The defendant pleaded guilty of two counts of sexual communication with minors and three counts of abuse. A judge sentenced her to four and a half years in prison, in addition to having his name registered for life on a sex offender registry.

Jubb manipulated and cared for his victims, sending them sexual and explicit messages. When they arrested her and confiscated her phone, we found evidence of thousands of messages. “commented the sergeant Lee atkins of the South Yorkshire County Police Department.

“He now faces a time behind bars for his crimes and I hope his victims can begin to move on and recover from this undoubtedly traumatic and disturbing period of their young lives.”he added.


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