They arrested 290 people in France during demonstrations on May 1st.


The French Ministry of the Interior reported that 165,500 people had participated in the various events organized on the occasion of Labor Day. the unions claimed that they were over 310,000, according to the site The Parisian.

Until now, the police have appealed 330 people which about 288 were arrested. At noon, more than 15,000 "preventative" identity checks were made to avoid incidents.

This Wednesday's police operation is due to the authorities of to prevent the chaos of the events of recent months from repeating itself stars in yellow vests.

However, some incidents were inevitable. In Paris, for example, some members of the yellow vest occupied strategic points of the traditional union march and they gave it a bellicose tone that it does not usually have.

Neighborhoods such as Montparnbade and places like the Plaza de Italia are scenes of the greatest moments of tension, including clashes with the police, who react by firing tear gas.

Some marches were convened by the French CGT, which brings together the unions, and others were the work of the National Front, now transformed into a national group, the country's main right-wing force.

They have a history of episodes of violence in previous years. This May 1st was no different, but the incidents did not reach the scale of the other opportunities.


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