They arrested a former police chief of Cordoba


César Suárez must testify Monday in the Río Tercero court Source: Archivo – Credit: La Voz

CÓRDOBA.- The former chief of police of this province César Suárez was arrested by order Río Tercero's Public Prosecutor No. 1, Andrea Heredia Hidalgo for two situations that compromise him.

A high-end car that was in his name was involved in an accident in which an 8-year-old girl died. Although he sold it, the transfer of ownership did not take place. In addition, in a proceeding in Suarez's home for this cause, an undeclared weapon of war was found.

The car – still in the name of Suarez – is a white Audi A5 that on April 19 in the Calamuchita region participated in an accident in which an 8-year-old girl died, and her mother and twin sister became serious.

The Audi would be the third vehicle that was added to the impact and which, according to witnesses, fled. Justice has sought the patent owner and is still the former chief of police. Enrique Gavier, Suárez's attorney, said that the vehicle's documentation was not in the house and that he had already submitted a habeas corpus for "immediate release".

For the lawyer, his client "could not be ten minutes more" Monday he will be questioned in the court of Río Tercero

Last year, Suárez was sentenced by the Court of the fourth criminal chamber of the city of Córdoba to two years and two months in prison conditional on threats to journalist Dante Leguizamón

The former chief also led the force when there was the theft of 67 pistols to 9 mm from the police depot.

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