They arrested a son of Federica Pais accused of being a motorcycle


Detainees have been identified as Dante Casermeiro, son of Pais, and Octavio Laje, who is the son of a diplomat who worked with economist and leader Martin Lousteau when he was ambbadador to the United States.

This Sunday, police were alerted to a motorcycle theft in the city of Olivos and, on arriving at the corner of San Lorenzo and José María Paz, intercepted two suspects. whose appearance was consistent with the description provided by the victim.

The young men were riding on a motorcycle and had two replicas of pistols – including one with compressed air – mobile phones, a hammer to break the glbad and a blister pack.

A police chief said that Casermeiro and Laje They could be the perpetrators of three robberies committed in the region.

The prosecutor investigates the case Martín Gómez, of the functional unit of instruction (UFI) Vicente López Este, which left the suspects detained for "robbery".


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