They arrested a team from Univision at Miraflores Palace because Maduro "did not like" their questions.


Source: AFP – Credit: Yuri Cortez

WASHINGTON – Univision journalist Jorge Ramos and his team were arrested and later released by

Nicolás Maduro

in the palace of Miraflores. Before being released, they suffered confiscation of the work materials because the Venezuelan president did not agree with its contents.

"The State Department has been informed by Nicolás Maduro that the journalist Jorge Ramos and his team are being held against him at the Miraflores Palace." We insist that he be released immediately, the whole world is watching him ", said Kimberly Braier, badistant secretary of state. for the Western Hemisphere, the highest diplomat of the region.

@StateDept received notification that the journalist
@jorgeramosnews and his team are held against their will at the Miraflores Palace by Nicolás Maduro. We insist on his immediate release; the world is watching.
# Venezuela& – Kimberly Breier (@WHAAsstSecty)
February 26, 2019

Daniel Coronell, a journalist at Univisión, said Ramos, the most influential Latin American journalist in the United States, had been stuck because Maduro "did not like his questions."

Attention: a group of journalists
@Univision, directed by
@jorgeramosnews, is held arbitrarily at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas because a
@NicolasMaduro He did not like his questions. Technical teams are also confiscated. & – Daniel Coronell (@DCoronell)
February 26, 2019

José Miguel Vivanco, director for the Americas human rights organization Human Rights Watch, has requested on Twitter the immediate release of Ramos: "I demand the immediate release of @jorgeramosnews and his team @UniNoticias who are held at the Miraflores Palace By order of Maduro, the international community must be vigilant.

** URGENT ** I require the immediate release of
@jorgeramosnews and his team
@UniNews They are detained at the Miraflores Palace by Maduro's orders. The international community must be vigilant. & – José Miguel Vivanco (@JMVivancoHRW)
February 26, 2019

Ramos is an American and Mexican citizen. He has had a long career in Univisión, the most important Latin media in the United States. Ramos is also a columnist for the Mexican newspaper Reforma.

Our colleagues were released, but the subject of the interview that did not please Nicolás Maduro was confiscated. The president of Noticias Univision confirms that Jorge, Maria, Claudia, Juan Carlos, Martín and Francisco are doing well. & – Enrique Acevedo (@Enrique_Acevedo)
February 26, 2019

The condemnation of the SIP

The Inter-American Press Association has condemned and blamed the government of Nicolás Maduro for the arrest and detention of a team of journalists from Univisión led by journalist Jorge Ramos. SIP President María Elvira Domínguez, director of El País newspaper in Cali, Colombia, condemned the act and said the action "is tantamount to kidnapping". The publisher also demanded "the immediate release of journalists from Univisión".

A month ago, several foreign journalists were arrested by the Venezuelan authorities and released within the next 24 hours. On Thursday, IAPA protested against a series of serious press freedom violations and many journalists last weekend when covering the mobilization of humanitarian aid in the border region between Colombia and Venezuela.

SIP is a non-profit organization dedicated to defending and promoting freedom of the press and expression in the Americas. It is composed of more than 1,300 publications from the Western Hemisphere; and is headquartered in Miami, Florida, USA


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