They arrested in China Chinese accused of triple crime Mafioso «Daily The capital of Mar del Plata


The couple of Chinese citizens accused of killing three nationals in a supermarket in Junin City, Buenos Aires, was arrested tonight in Dubai, during a stopover aboard a plane. who had taken them to China, judicial sources reported.

They are Hai Zhou (24) and Rong Lin (32), who had an international arrest warrant and were apprehended by Interpol staff at 3 am (UAE). who was waiting for them there.
"Thanks to #Interpol @PFAOficial, we arrested in Dubai the Chinese couple accused of mbadacring three citizens in a supermarket in # Junin, in depth against all the mafias. #ArgentinaSinImpunidad," said the Minister of Public Security, Patricia Bullrich, tonight after the announcement of the catch.

Judicial sources indicated that Vanina Lisazo, head of the Junín Functional Training Unit (UFI) 1, had requested the arrest of the two men after determining that after the triple crime , the suspects had gone to the airport of Ezeiza, where they had been recorded under cameras. security, and boarded an Emirates Airlines flight that left last night at 9:30.

The trip, which lasted about 14 hours, included three stops, one in Rio de Janeiro, one in Dubai and the third in Beijing, while the final destination was Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province.

At the request of the Argentine authorities, the couple was arrested on arrival in Dubai. He must now begin the process of extradition to be tried in Junín for the crime committed by his three nationals.
Another possibility is that they are directly deported because of the gravity of the crime attributed to them, said the spokespersons.

The escape of the Chinese couple from the country after the perpetration of the triple crime had cinematographic limitations, since they had initially requested that a transfer be handed over to Buenos Aires in order to buy the tickets in a travel agency from the federal capital, to which they had called to consult.

According to investigators, once in the tourism company, they paid nearly 200,000 pesos for plane tickets because of the imminent trip that they were going to make and went to Ezeiza.

During their escape, the suspects changed cars at least once, but the data provided by the security cameras of the municipality of Junín and by the digital ring of the city of Buenos Aires (CAMA) have allowed to rebuild their course. .

The fact was discovered yesterday morning at the store "Sky", located at the corner of Bernardo de Irigoyen and 25 de Mayo de Junín, 260 km northwest of the federal capital.

According to the sources, the bodies were found by the merchants, who entered the concerned areas after their arrival at the scene and found that the supermarket was still closed at an hour that should have been open.

After alerting the police, the officers of the 1st police station. from Junín, they went to the scene and found the bodies of Weng Chan Xiu (30), aka "Eric"; his partner Zuang Zhehzhu (30), aka "Lili"; and Chen Whanwe (43), who owned the supermarket and lived in the same place.

Prosecutor Lisazo said the three victims had their throats cut and that they were present in three different areas of commerce, where no scarcity of value or violation had been detected.

In turn, investigations have determined by testimonies that on Wednesday, in the last hours of the transaction, the victims were inside the premises with a couple also of Chinese nationality who had arrived in Argentina not long ago. of time and who is the one who asked stop in Dubai.

Due to the characteristics of the fact, the researchers did not rule out that it could be related to the so-called "Chinese Mafia" that extorts the merchants, since there had been a few days of discussion and threats.

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