They arrested in Madrid the former Venezuelan general “Pollo” Carvajal, a fugitive from justice and wanted for his extradition to the United States.


Time of the arrest of Hugo Carvajal, wanted by Justice for his extradition to the United States (Photo: Europa Press)
Time of the arrest of Hugo Carvajal, wanted by Justice for his extradition to the United States (Photo: Europa Press)

National police arrested Hugo Carvajal, known as’Chicken carvajal‘, a former Venezuelan Chavista general who has been missing since November 2019 and who has been tried by the United States for drug trafficking, money laundering and collaboration with the FARC.

Police sources informed the agency EFE that Carvajal’s arrest took place at 9:15 p.m. local time (GMT + 2) today in the street Torrelaguna of capital by the agents of group two of National police fugitives, in collaboration with United States DEA agents.

Hugo Carvajal, who had an arrest and jail warrant in effect for the execution of the extradition to the United States, he was in a house protected by several people. In this house, according to sources, He was a refugee without ever going abroad.

The entry into the property was made by judicial authorization and he was executed by members of the Police Intervention Unit (IPU), the riot police.

He was then transferred to the premises of the Group of runaways located in the Canillas police complex, told EFE police sources.

This is the second time that Carvajal has been arrested in Spain. In April 2019, he was also arrested in Madrid after entering our country with a false passport, but the National Court refused his extradition, understanding that the United States was asking for him for “Political motivation”, for which he was released.

Hugo carvajal
Hugo carvajal

A few months later, in November 2019, the plenary session of the criminal chamber of the Court finally gave its consent to his extradition, but Carvajal had already disappeared.

Still on the run, his lawyers appealed to the Supreme Court against the resolution adopted by the Council of Ministers on March 3. execute extradition after it has been authorized by the National High Court, and requested a protective stay of the order, alleging that the allegations were not true and that the sole purpose of the United States is to torture you for information about Venezuela.

Carvajal headed Venezuela’s Military Counterintelligence Directorate for eight years, under the governments of Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro, and the United States accuses him of drug trafficking, money laundering and collaboration with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to introduce drugs into the United States.

Carvajal’s arrest came hours after the Constitutional Court of Green cap considered as constitutional the extradition to the United States of the Colombian businessman Alex saab, presumed leader of the Venezuelan president, Nicolas maduro, and claimed by Washington for alleged money laundering.

The tribunal, the highest judicial body in the African island country, where Saab has been detained since June 2020 at the request of the United States, ruled “unfair“The appeal filed by the defense against the alleged unconstitutionality of the arrest of the businessman in an attempt to stop his extradition.

The Constitutional Court has published on its official website a resolution of 194 pages in which he responds to the appeal in which Saab alleged, according to the court, that during the extradition proceedings “Unconstitutional rules have been applied.”

The court managed to reach an agreement with two lower courts, the Barlavento Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Justice, which had already authorized in 2020 and last March, respectively, the delivery of the alleged leader to the country. North American. In practice, stopping the TC gives way to extradition.

Likewise, the Constitutional Court endorsed the position of the Cape Verdean government, which already last year gave its resounding approval to the extradition.

(With information from EFE)

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The Constitutional Court of Cape Verde authorized the extradition of Alex Saab to the United States

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