They arrested in the United Arab Emirates an Italian lawyer linked to the cause of the notebooks


The Italian lawyer Anthony D & # 39; Aniello was arrested Wednesday in the United Arab Emirates by Interpol agents for their links with a cause of money laundering, linked to bribe books, where cases of corruption in public works presented during Kirchnerism are examined.

The arrest was carried out pursuant to an order of Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio in the city of Abu Dhabi. The Ministry of Security reported that Interpol's Federal Interpol Fugitive and Extradition Division, acting through the federal police, communicated with the officials of the national central office of that city and provided all the information required by the police. possible. on the whereabouts and circumstances of his subsequent detention in the Asian country.

According to official sources, D'Aniello, owner of a red circular of Interpol, was responsible for setting up a screen so that money from corruption could enter real estate companies to launder it. "He participated in the creation of the legal, commercial and banking structure that worked for more than seven years by performing various maneuvers," they explained.

According to information gathered, the arrested lawyer had been mentioned by Carolina Pochetti in the money plot that the family of the former private secretary of Kirchner had invested in the Turks and Caicos Islands. The widow of Daniel Muñoz, who was the deputy of the former president, said that he had invested more than 30 million dollars in a hotel, I did not even know the location.

The investigation of Judge Rodriguez

The Judicial Council has asked AFIP to affidavit The property of his wife, Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez, was investigated for alleged collection of bribes prior to Pochetti's own complaint.

Muñoz's widow involved him in irregularities when he testified when she was arrested in the case of bribebooks. He added that the magistrate had received a million-dollar bribe to be fired – in July 2015 – as part of an investigation into a statement by Kirchner's former private secretary, Miriam Quiroga, on the alleged transfer of money bags to the ex-principal.

Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez.
Federal Judge Luis Rodríguez.

A second time, he returned to the benefit of marriage by granting freedom to Pochetti in another case, which was investigating the appearance of Muñoz in the Panama Papers.

The request of the judiciary was made during the Judicial and Prosecutorial Commission 's Prosecution and Disciplinary Committee, which opened the judge' s sworn statements since taking office in 2012.

The property in question is an apartment of 50 square meters in Recoleta with a tax value of $ 700,000 according to what was recorded by the magistrate in his state of patrimony under oath. The wife of Rodriguez occupies a post of legal secretary to the Supreme Court and, according to judicial sources, has economic capacity and the property would correspond to a transfer that his parents made, slogan Clarin.


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