They arrested the Italian George Clooney: he usurped the identity of the actor to scam


Francesco Galdelli, 58 years old and Vanja Goffi, 45, were arrested Saturday in a house in the suburbs of Pattaya (center), as part of an operation conducted jointly by the Thai and Italian authorities.

"During the interrogation, Francesco confessed that he pretended to be George Clooney and that he had launched an online clothing brand to swindle clients", said the Thai Police Division in a statement.

In 2010, George Clooney He testified against the couple and an accomplice during a hearing in Milan. At that time, many advertising photos showing the dresses of this line of clothing and documents bearing the signature of the movie star were shown, stating that they were all fake.

"It's wrong, in this photo I smoke and I do not smoke," "fake, I do not have a watch like that", or "fake, this signature is not mine ", then claimed the actor.

According to the police, the couple was also wanted in Italy for other crimes, including selling counterfeit Rolex watches on the Internet. The couple, for whom Interpol has issued a red notice since 2013, has made fun of their victims by sometimes sending packages containing salt instead of watches.

For these crimes, the couple received the nickname "Bonnie and Clyde Italians", referring to the famous couple of American fraudsters of the Great Depression (1929-1939).


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