They arrested the son of businessman Gustavo Sancho with a kilo of cocaine


Police spokespersons said the occupants of the vehicle objected to the officers’ search, so officers requested the presence of witnesses and eventually found inside the cabin a brick of cocaine, a 9mm pistol, ammunition and cell phones.

For this reason, the Court intervened Federal Criminal Correctional 1, by María Servini, who commissioned the arrest of suspects for violation of law 23,737 and illegal possession of firearms.

By corroborating the data of the accused, the 25-year-old was found to be Sancho’s son, arrested in November 2017 with his family at their home in Villa Urquiza for leading a drug gang that brought drugs into the country from Bolivia and took her to different parts of the province of Buenos Aires on flights illegal immigrants, then sent them to Europe through the ports of Rosario and Mar del Plata.

Sancho, a native of Chaco, owner of nightclubs in the city of San Martín in Buenos Aires and linked to the construction, was arrested in connection with the “Operation Quixote”, for which 45 properties were searched from the suburbs of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Pinamar, federal capital and the city of Chaco de Roque Sáenz Peña, and Nearly $ 9 million, 45 high-end cars, 12 motorcycles, solid gold bars and jewelry were seized.

The young man arrested last night, also implicated in this case, benefited from the house arrest regime to devote himself to the care of his children and was only able to leave his home to take them to school.

According to the investigation opened in 2014 by federal judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado, the organization obtained the drugs in Bolivia and Peru and brought them to the country after a stopover in Paraguay.

Later in clandestine flights which were generally carried out at night and in bad weather, the drugs were transferred to different parts of the province of Buenos Aires, among them the cities of Azul, General Belgrano, General Rodríguez and Mar del Plata.

According to the survey, the group had connections in Paraguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Canada, Spain and the north of the African continent, but the main destination of the substances was Europe.

The situation demanded that the Gendarmerie anti-drug operations unit He will coordinate actions and cooperate with the police forces of all the countries concerned and finally Sancho, his wife, their three children and eleven other members will be arrested, awaiting trial by the Federal Oral Court (TOF) 2 of San Martín.

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